L&D Gardening Club

Previous Meetings

L&D Gardening Club

January 2024

On Tuesday January 9th the Parish Hall was warm, the honey cake was delightful (Paul Hollywood take note!), there was a gorgeous buzz of animated conversation and, thankfully, the church bells, as operated by some keen but unskilled recruits, were silent. The speakers were Dave and Lizzie, and their presentation was about the local bees that they tend and how people could tweak their gardens to give these lovely and vital little beings a helping hand in terms of what could be planted to provide food at all times of the year. The presenters spoke very well as a gently sparring double-act and obviously knew their topic and how to put over their message to best effect. A definite sign of audience appreciation was the number of questions asked and answered. It became obvious that the world of bees is complex and, in some cases, not yet fully understood. The vital role that they play in fertilising crops is not to be underestimated.

Please visit our Wildlife page for more information on how to help our bees.