On May 14th Julie Haylock came to the Parish Hall to give a few ideas about planning a new border or rejuvenating an old one. She has form, having exhibited at the Chelsea Flower Show and BBC Gardeners World Live and her enthusiasm was obvious in the manner in which she spoke. Mention was made of ‘colour palettes’ and structural plants although how bindweed can be eradicated did not feature in her talk! Julie provided some good-looking plants to be the raffle prizes and a particular pink variety of Geum aroused such interest that fisticuffs almost erupted about who was going to be lucky enough to take the little beauty home.
Several members had brought their excess seedlings to share amongst the gathered throng and parsley, geranium, chard and courgette plants were all gleefully re-homed without any money changing hands. Refreshments were, as ever, biscuit based. Three varieties of home-made marvels were on offer, all as gorgeous as each other.
Garden Border Design and Planting Workshop