Lydford and District Gardening Club had the annual trip to Brimsmore Garden Centre on Tuesday April 9th. All of the attending members behaved themselves, most were not too fussy about the type of coffee or tea that they were offered and only a very few made disparaging comments, albeit ‘sotto voce’, about the biscuits on offer. When one is used to home-made confections of the finest kind, shop-bought ginger and digestive struggle to satisfy the little biscuit hole that is inside most of us! An enthusiastic garden elf spoke temptingly about some of the plants which were available and did not use too many long words or Latin names of plants. The staff were also very helpful in dealing with various enquiries despite it being long past their bedtimes. A good time was had by all and as no bridges had been hit during the day, the travel home from Yeovil was straightforward. The joy that is the A37 proved an effective escape route to the north and the rural security of Lydford and its environs was reached without undue mishap.