L&D Gardening Club

Welcome to Lydford and District Gardening Club

Join Us
L&D Gardening Club

Welcome to Lydford and District Gardening Club. This website has been developed for your guidance to enable you to join us and enjoy the activities of the club to the full.

The club meets in Lydford on Fosse Parish Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. There is no meeting in August, in September we have a BBQ and plant and produce swap, and in December we have a Christmas meal at a local pub.

The Committee currently consists of 6 members who are elected annually at the November AGM and they meet 4 times a year.

The Club’s activities are organised specifically for the membership however, visitors are very welcome to join us for a small charge per meeting.

see our events page

Annual membership subscription is

L&D Gardening Club
and entry is £3 per meeting for non members.

Please download our Membership Application Form. For more details, please contact Lynne,our secretary on ldgc2018@gmail.com

Membership Application form

We are able to accept payments via BACS Name “Lydford & District Gardening Club”.

Sort Code 60-04-33
Account Number 10506217

Please use your surname and “Subs” as a reference.

Payment by cheque or cash is also acceptable.

Members' details will be held in confidence safely on our computer. Please note that your personal details will not be made available to other organisations as a result of your membership.

Members will receive emails before each meeting outlining the subject for the evening. Following the meeting, a report is published in the parish magazine and on our Events page. As well as being on our Events page the details of meetings are on the Membership Card.


Some of the club members have been awarded a Wildlife Garden plaque by SWT showing their commitment to local wildlife. If you're interested in more information please visit our Wildlife page.

Find us at Lydford on Fosse Parish Hall, West Lydford TA11 7DH
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club

Lydford and District Gardening Club

Lydford and District Gardening Club was established in 2004 and therefore celebrates 20 years in 2024! Of the original 24 members there are 8 who continue to be active members.

The club hosts a variety of meetings covering a wide range of gardening topics including gardening without plastic, companion planting, wildlife gardening, designing a border and soil structure.

The meetings are an opportunity to share stories of success and failure, exchange gardeners' tales, and to swap seeds and produce. There is the chance to learn new skills for both the novice and experienced gardener.


Gardening is medicine that doesn't need a PRESCRIPTION and has no limit on DOSAGE!

Author unknown
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club
L&D Gardening Club